Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Into The Blue Lagoon - Teams 137, Spyder, WEBE and Wheeltek Joins Up For a Fun Trail

Again, we are rewarded with a cool clean fresh water of a blue lagoon secretly located somewhere in Rodriguez Rizal. It's so easy to say, we want this for ourselves, so no nature-apathetic scalawags can set foot on it and destroy its majestic and magical beauty.

But we don't worry much, as the place is hard to get to. A good two hours of treacherous terrain await those who are moderately-abled trail riders, and hours of walk on foot. But once there, you get that incredible feeling of serenity, aloneness in a nowhere zone. You can spend hours just sitting or lying there, watching the cascades of pure clean water pour into the the lagoon.

Remember guys, take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.

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